Home Cats Do Devon Rex Cats Shed?

Do Devon Rex Cats Shed?

by Lucy

One of the very first things prospective owners usually ask when selecting a cat breed is the level of maintenance required in particular shedding levels and grooming.

Many owners prefer breeds that are easy to maintain and do not shed in the masses. The Devon Rex is usually one of the first breeds that spring to mind since they have very short coats and would appear to not have the means to shed at all. However, sometimes looks can be deceiving.

So, do Devon Rex cats shed? Yes, Devon Rex cats do shed. It is a common misconception that this cat breed does not shed since the coat is much shorter than lots of other breeds. Even though this breed is considered to be one of the lowest maintenance in terms of fur, mild shedding should still be expected.

In this article we’ll discuss Devon Rex cats and their shedding, grooming, and other aspects to note about these lovely feline pets.

Do Devon Rex Cats Shed a Lot?

They have short wavy fur that can be seen as having a rippling effect. You will find the thickest part of the fur to be on the back and sides of their body in addition to the tail, legs face, and ears.

Devon Rex cats are one of the lowest maintenance cat breeds when it comes to shedding.

However, Devon Rex shed just as much as any other cat. But since their fur is much thinner and shorter than some other breeds it is usually less noticeable. This breed is therefore often favored over long-haired cats since it appears that they shed much less than other cats.

How Often Do Devon Rex Shed?

Devon Rex predominantly shed at two key times during the year. During spring is usually their most noticeable shed since it is a time when they are removing their winter coat in preparation for the hotter summer months.

You will also notice that sometime during the fall their coat will change again. These cats will shed their summer coat and grow a slightly thicker coat to replace it – ready to battle the winter elements!

Day to day there will still be some modest shedding. Cats lose a little fur everyday, just like us humans! This is a lot less troublesome than the two main sheds in spring and fall, however.

Since the Devon Rex has such short, fine hair, most owners do not even notice the small amounts of daily shedding that takes place. This makes this breed ideal for those looking for a low maintenance feline friend.

How Should You Groom a Devon Rex?

Since the Devon Rex has a very short, fine coat they do not usually require daily brushing. Once or twice a week is usually sufficient to ensure loose hairs are removed and any mats and tangles are kept at bay.

The hairs of this breed are considered to be very delicate and therefore gentle brushing is a good idea. The hairs do not do well with being brushed roughly and this type of brushing can very easily damage them.

Choosing a gentle brushing tool is the best idea. There are many rubber brushes available to buy that are soft on the skin and since the hairs do not usually get so matted a small cat comb could be another great option.

Will Bathing a Devon Rex Help with Shedding?

Yes, absolutely! Bathing can be a great way to assist with shedding. It is not necessary to be bathing a Devon Rex – or the vast majority of cats – once a week or even once a month, as they already groom themselves. But bathing your Devon Rex on the odd occasion can help enormously with shedding levels.

This breed is also known to have quite greasy coats and are prone to skin disorders. Bathing with medicated cat shampoo can really help with these issues.

You must be sure not to over-bathe a Devon Rex, however, since their fur is quite thin and weak. Over bathing can cause baldness which this breed is already very prone to. Providing a bath every 2-3 months, slightly more than a typical cat, is usually a good guideline for this breed.

We have a longer article on safe products to use when bathing your cat, in case you have other breeds at home to take care of.

Are Devon Rex Hypoallergenic?

Unfortunately, this is another misconception with the Devon Rex. Many believe that because this breed has very short hair and sheds very little compared to other breeds that they are a good option for those that suffer from allergies.

The truth is that any amount of shedding no matter how small can trigger allergies. It is in fact the levels of dander (flecks of skin shed by cats) that is the key instigator for human allergies. Devon Rex kitties won’t be much different than most other cats.

However, it is fair to note that if you are keen on owning a cat and suffer from mild allergies you are probably much better off choosing a Devon Rex than you would be many other breeds, such as a Russian Blue or Maine Coon, who are known for their higher levels of shedding and dander.

Up Next: Is It OK To Shave A Cat?

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