Home Dogs Can Dogs Eat Roast Beef?

Can Dogs Eat Roast Beef?

by Lucy

It’s impossible to ignore the imploring eyes of your pooch when you sit down for dinner. But, if the menu consists of roast beef, can your pet pal accompany you during the meal?

Many doggo parents find themselves facing a conundrum every time they sit down for a feast. So, let’s take a look at what’s right and what’s not when it comes to sharing your roast beef meal with your canine buddy.

Can dogs eat roast beef? Yes, you can feed your dog roast beef as long as it is unseasoned and is not processed. Homemade roast beef is safest as you can be sure it does not contain too much salt, fat, or nitrates. However, even the best roast beef should only be an occasional snack for your dog.

Dogs absolutely love meat, be it chicken, turkey, or beef. So you can most certainly feed your dog roast beef. And, when you bring a steaming dish of roast beef straight off the stove, the aromas that fill up the air are difficult to resist. 

It’s no wonder that your puppy becomes overly excited to be part of the dining experience. Yet, there are many considerations that you must be aware of if and when you feed your dog roast beef.

Is Roast Beef Safe For Dogs?

You have to understand that meat provides proteins for dogs. Although dogs are omnivores, protein is arguably the essential part of the dog’s diet. It provides amino acids that take care of hair, skin, and nails. Not to mention, protein helps make the ligaments, tendons, and muscles healthy. 

Proteins also provide energy and build joints and bones. Moreover, it plays a significant role in hormone production. So, meat is basically great for your dog.

Of course, vets recommend feeding your canines dog food that provides other valuable nutrients along with proteins.

Still, your dog seems keen to want to hog on your roast beef every time you bring it around. So, is it safe for your dog to eat roast beef and provide the nutrition your dog needs?

Home Cooked Roast Beef

It is undoubtedly safe to feed your dog home-cooked roast beef as long as you prepare it properly (i.e. plain).

You are the one in charge of the cooking and preparation, so the quality of the meat is in your hands. Other elements that go into making the dish can also be adjusted according to your fluff ball’s dietary requirements.

But, roast beef is cooked meat that doesn’t contain most of the other valuable nutrients your dog needs. Feeding roast beef will make your pooch happy, especially if your doggo is allowed to join you at the dinner table with a seating arrangement close to the main dinner table with a pretty dog dish.

Plus, roast beef will satisfy its primal urge to ravish a nice chunk of flesh. Still, roast beef is best given as a treat for good behavior, not as a regular meal.

If you want to bring some variety into your dog’s daily feed, some roast beef here and there is an excellent option. Just don’t serve it for supper five times a week.

Processed Roast Beef

As we said, roast beef when it’s home-cooked is relatively safe as you’ll be conscious of going for only the very best quality meat to be used. 

But, prepackaged roast beef is another matter altogether. You see, many well-known veterinary surgeons and nutritionists claim that the number of pets who die from unhealthy eating habits each year is on the rise.

There is an alarming increase in the number of allergies, vomiting, and other digestive issues found in dogs due to processed foods’ consumption.

Here are the problem areas when it comes to processed food:

High-Fat Content

When you go out to shop for meat to feed your beloved doggos, you’ll opt for the healthiest choice. The best meat for dogs has a medium to low fat content. 

Too much fat could contribute to your dog’s likelihood of becoming obese. Moreover, meats with more fat content are difficult to digest. So, if you have a fur baby with a delicate tummy, you’ll have quite a few tummy upsets.

This is not to say you should avoid all fats for your pooch! Just like us, puppers do need some fat. Check with your vet and stick to vet-approved foods to make sure your pup is getting the right amount.

Low-Grade Meat

Also, when you go for processed food, the meat’s quality is no longer something you can count on. You see, many processed food companies aren’t particular about the quality of the meat used in the preparation of roast beef that your dogs will be consuming. 

Processed foods often cause diarrhea, skin dermatitis, and bloating in dogs.

High Sodium Content

Store-bought or processed roast beef is nearly always full of sodium. The high sodium levels do add to the flavor, but just because it tastes good doesn’t mean it’s going to be healthy too. 

Too much salt in your fur babies’ diet is terrible. It can cause all kinds of health problems, such as high blood pressure, and it can cause dehydration in your pooch. 

Especially if you are feeding your dog regular dog food, don’t try to add extra salt into their diet; their food is likely already balanced with the right amount.


Another element of processed food that’s harmful to your pup is the addition of nitrates. Nitrates are added to processed meats such as sausages, bacon, and ham to prevent bacteria’s growth in the food.

Nitrates also give the meat a salty flavor. But, when nitrate turns into nitrite, it can be absorbed into the red blood cells. When these red blood cells come into contact with hemoglobin, it forms methemoglobin. Methemoglobin cannot transport oxygen in the body which can lead to death.

Now, nitrates aren’t toxic for pets. But, if nitrates are eaten often enough, it can give your beloved pet heart conditions, shortening the life span of your canine.

It’s best to avoid feeding your dogs processed foods at all. If you want to give your pup some roast beef, cook it yourself from high-quality meat,

How Can You Feed Your Dog Roast Beef?

As mentioned earlier, roast beef makes for a delicious treat. And, when it’s home-cooked, it really can provide an excellent protein-filled snack for your dog. 

It would be best to keep in mind that dogs don’t handle sodium and other roast beef ingredients well. If you want to give your pet a delicious treat of roast beef, try making a few adjustments to the recipe to suit your dog’s constitution. 

1. Avoid Seasoning

You may wonder that your dog may not enjoy the meal as much if there isn’t enough seasoning. But, that is far from the truth. Dogs love meat, raw or cooked. They are thrilled to share meals with you. So, if you cook roast beef and prepare some of the meat separately to be served to your dog, it’ll be happy to have it any way you prepare it. 

Here are some seasoning ingredients you especially want to avoid:


Dogs don’t do well with garlic. Garlic contains thiosulfate. Thiosulfate is toxic to dogs but not humans. Thiosulfate causes oxidative damage to red blood cells. It can lead to hemolytic anemia.

The most common toxicity symptoms in dogs from garlic are lethargy, pale gums, weakness, lack of muscle coordination (ataxia), and hyper-salvation.


Roast beef isn’t entirely done right until it’s seasoned well. Most people particularly enjoy the spiciness and aroma of peppercorn. Yet, your dog can only ingest so much pepper without diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. 

You see, pepper has piperine. And, taken in large quantities, it will adversely affect your dog’s digestive system. Leave your pooch’s meat unseasoned to avoid any risks.


What’s roast beef without nutmeg, right? Well, maybe for humans. Nutmeg has myristicin which is a naturally occurring compound found in most herbs and spices. 

Myristicin is toxic for dogs and there’s a fair amount of it in nutmeg. So, even a small amount of nutmeg in your roast beef may land you at the vets with a sick pup.

Onion Powder 

Onions also contain thiosulphate. Thiosulphate is quite toxic for dogs and leads to many health complications. As bad as onions are for dogs, onion powder is much worse due to the increased potency. One of the first signs of onion toxicity in dogs is abdominal pain and discolored urine. 

2. Be Sure To Cool The Meat

Another vital factor to keep in mind when feeding your doggos home-cooked roast beef is that your dog’s going to go nuts as soon as the aromas fill up the air in the kitchen. 

But, you can never feed your pet anything straight out of the pot. No matter how eager and jumpy your fur baby maybe, you have to allow the food to cool down enough to feed your canine. 

Dogs have very sensitive tongues. And, their tongues are thinner than ours too. It is, after all, a device that dogs use to make sense of their environment. So, if you provide a steaming piece of meat to your dog, it’s probably going to cause it more injury. Hot food is bad for your dog’s digestive processing too.

Thus, steer clear of hot food when it comes to providing a delightful meal for your pooch. Your pups will be much happier having their food moderately cool.

3. Portion Control 

Your dog is almost certainly going to eat as much as you feed it. There’s no sense of limit in dogs when it comes to food. So, it falls on you as a pet parent to monitor your pet’s diet.

The more you feed your dog, the more it’s going to eat. It may seem like your dog is just extra hungry, but that is not necessarily the case. Most dogs are known to finish what is put before them, even if that means that they’ll be barfing their guts out after a few minutes. 

So, you have to design your dog’s meal to get all the nutrients it needs throughout the day and so that your pooch can consume enough to feel satisfied but not over-stuffed. You have to remember that most dog breeds tend to become obese. And obesity leads to all kinds of other coronary issues.

4. Feed Your Dog Roast Beef Only Occasionally

Your dog needs to have a wholesome and healthy diet. Yet, it is also necessary that your dog feels that it is satisfied.

Now, we know that dogs love meat and,your pooch will get hyper every time it smells meat in the house. 

If you choose to restrict your dog from any of the home-cooked meals you are having, eventually, your dog may become quite unhappy with the circumstances it has to suffer every time you make meat.

The best way to deal with such a scenario is a compromise. You can allow your dog an unseasoned meat snack every once in a while of the home-cooked roast beef. But, make sure it’s something that is done once in a while. 

A regular diet consisting of home-cooked roast beef isn’t going to provide the essential nutrients your dog needs. Straight roast beef isn’t going to keep its fur, and coat shiny, protect its bones and joints or keep the plaque away. 

Can Dogs Eat Roast Beef Bones?

It is generally noted that a dog and its bone are inseparable. There are dental as well as nutritional advantages of providing bones to your dogs.

However, cooked bones from any meal, be it roast beef or pork ribs, are never a good idea. Cooked bones can splinter and cause severe internal damage to dogs.

Raw bones, however, can be beneficial. Yet, it is something that should be given to dogs when under supervision. Any raw bone you give your doggo should be about as big as its head – no choking worries there! Also, never give frozen bones to your pooch. 

Furthermore, it isn’t ideal to allow your fur baby to bury its bone and dig it up later to munch on it. That’s unsanitary for your dog – and your home!

What To Feed Your Dog Instead Of Roast Beef

It may seem too limiting to you when you can’t even feed your puppy some high-quality, home-cooked roast beef as a regular meal. But, it’s for the well-being of your dog that it’s recommended that you feed roast beef only as a treat, not a meal.

So, you may want to know what you can incorporate into your dog’s diet that can serve as a daily meal? 

Well, the best you can do for your dog is to give it premium-quality dog food and treats. Many brands are available in the market that caters even to different breeds and different age groups. So, you’ll know that your pup is getting precisely what it needs.

Yet, there are pet parents who believe that home-cooked meals provide better nourishment. If you happen to be one of those who shy away from cans or tins of packaged dog food, then you need not worry. 

Nourishment from home-cooked meals is difficult, but not impossible. You can offer much variety to your dogs in the way of home-cooked dog food. Plus, you’ll be 100% sure about its quality.


Beef is a favorite of many dogs. But dogs love chicken just as well. Chicken is an excellent source of protein for dogs. White meat like chicken holds no threat for your pooch, especially if the breed is susceptible to obesity or heart conditions.

It also contains Omega 6 fatty acids, glucosamine, and essential amino acids that promote healthy skin, fur, bones, and joints. Not to mention, when it is high-quality chicken that is cooked right, your doggo is going to love it.

Just remember to avoid the seasoning, sodium and make sure it is a lean meat.

Fresh Vegetables

It sounds incredulous, but dogs can eat vegetables! Veggies are as wholesome for dogs as they are for humans. Dogs are omnivores which should emphasize the fact that they can happily eat veggies alongside meat.

Carrots, broccoli, green beans, and even pumpkin make for tasty snacks. Incorporating veggies into your dog’s diet means you are now giving your dog the fibers it needs for proper digestion. Most green vegetables also contain antioxidants, potassium, and other minerals that take care of your fur baby’s overall health.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a superb source of protein. It is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Also, it’s human food, so your pup doesn’t feel left out when you’re downing some yourself.

But, you have to keep in mind that you have to give your pooch unsalted, unsweetened peanut butter. Also, it’s a good idea to go with brands that do not have any extra additives to the recipe.


There are plenty of fruits that provide nutrition for your pets. An apple a day will keep the doctor away for you. 

But, for your doggo, even a slice or two of apple is good enough. Dogs need iron and potassium too. Apples, bananas, melons, and blueberries are all fantastic food choices for your pooch. 

These fruits are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Not to mention, they tend to break the monotony of a boring meal plan.

If you add brown rice or pumpkin to the meal, then you bring in fibers that make your doggo feel full too. Furthermore, the fibers make for mobile digestion. 

Related Questions

As a doggo lover who’s constantly learning about pooches, I come across many pet guardians who tend to over-stress their beloved pet’s diet. So, let’s go through some of the queries and their answers to put your heart and mind to rest.

Will My Dog Get All The Necessary Nutrients If I Feed It Home-Cooked Food Exclusively?

Many pet guardians feed their pets home-cooked meals. However, you then have to make sure that the food you provide your fur baby is up to par in terms of quality and the proper amounts and variety of nutrients and vitamins.

Discussing your choices with a local vet is a smart move. Also, there are supplements available in the market to cover any deficit of nutrients from their meals.

Why Can’t Dogs Eat Frozen Bones?

Frozen bones are very hard. If your dog loves to gnaw on them with vigor, then it may wind up cracking a tooth or two. 

If you don’t find out soon enough about the chipped tooth, it may cause many dental problems in the future. You have to remember to be vigilant when you give bones to your dogs to gnaw on.

What Kind Of Meat Is Best For Dogs?

Treats provide all the fun and variety that your dog needs to make it happy. But, when you speak about its everyday meals, you should give food that is high nutrition and low in fat. 

Moreover, foods that are best for dogs are those that are easily digested. Chicken is the lean meat that probably comes in first in terms of flavor, easy digestion, and nutrition. Lamb and beef come in second and third place, respectively.

Up Next: Why Does My Dog Lick The Floor After Eating?

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