Home Dogs Dog Sounds Congested When Sleeping – Should You Worry?

Dog Sounds Congested When Sleeping – Should You Worry?

by Lucy

Having an adorable pup by your side will undoubtably bring happiness to your life. But, being a pet parent is no small feat. It takes a lot of love, care, and becoming well-informed about your pet’s needs and wants to keep them happy and healthy.

So, when you hear your dog making strange wheezing sounds while sleeping, it’s no wonder why you’d be worried. Usually, the sounds that our furry friends make while sleeping are nothing more than snores. Sometimes, however, the strange noises that your dog makes while snoozing can indicate a deeper health issue. 

If your dog sounds congested while sleeping, should you worry? If your dog is napping at an odd angle, the sounds can be a result of congestion or chest/neck compression. Dogs also make strange noises when sleeping if they are suffering from allergies, colds, obesity, nasal obstruction, or side effects of some medication.

So, without further ado, let’s take a deeper look into why your dog catching a few Zs is causing you to lose a few at night. You will also find out how you can help your four-legged friend. However, before we continue, it’s important for us to note that we are not veterinarians and that you should always consult a vet if you are concerned for the health of your pet.

Why Does My Dog Sound Congested When Sleeping?

Most dogs make weird noises when sleeping. You may hear a grunt, a tad bit of whining, or some squealing. In most cases, these sounds are perfectly normal. Your dog is bound to make congested sounds at some point in their life as well.

However, if the congested sounds that your dog is making continue over a prolonged period, then there is reason for you to investigate the matter further. There are multiple possible causes for these sounds, and some of those reasons are a cause for concern. 

Read on to learn about some of the possible health problems signaled through the weird, congested sounds your dog is making. 

1. Odd Sleeping Positions

People often sleep in strange positions when they fall asleep, which can cause them to snore quite loudly. Dogs share this particular trait with humans. 

Dogs sleep in the oddest ways – on their backs, hanging off sofas or beds, their heads raised at peculiar angles, or on their sides with their legs akimbo. These unique slumbering styles put an abnormal amount of pressure on their airways. Even the slightest airway obstruction will make your furry friend sound funny when sleeping. 

But, the moment you readjust your dog’s position, you will notice a considerable decrease in their noise levels.

2. Dogs Born With Breathing Issues

Sme dogs will always snore and breathe heavily no matter how much you try to stop it, as they are born with flat faces and smaller noses, such as pugs or bulldogs.

Flat-faced dog breeds have smaller skull structures that naturally obstruct their airways, making it impossible for them to breathe noiselessly. When these canines sleep, they will always make strange sounds, irrespective of the many attempts you may take to give them a comfortable resting place. These adorable creatures suffer from Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS). 

However, recent studies have shown that some canines have a gene that contributes to breathing issues. If your dog has that gene, they will sound congested while sleeping, whether or not they have this issue.

3. Congestion From Allergies

Dogs get allergies from pollen, the environment, or food. Also, seasonal allergies are pretty common in dogs, and a general symptom of allergies is congestion. Your dog’s nose is likely going to be stuffed up by inflammation, and that is consequently going to cause them to snore or make odd noises.

If you believe that your pet is suffering from allergies, you need to take your pet to the vet and determine what kind of allergies your dog is experiencing. A proper diagnosis is the only route to treatment and necessary medications.

4. A Cold

Dogs have to weather through colds and coughs the same way humans do. If your poor pupper has a cold, then it is likely that the runny or stuffy nose is causing your dog to strain while breathing, and that is the cause for the noise that your furry friend makes when asleep.

It is common for dogs to go through a cold, run a fever, or get a runny nose. A bit of warm homemade chicken broth (low sodium) will go a long way in easing your dog’s inflamed nose or throat, but it is always a good idea to consult the vet.

Moreover, if you feel that your dog is off their food, lethargic, or losing weight, then you should waste no time in getting to the vet straight away so that they the medical attention they need.

5. Congestion From Buccal Problems

If your pet is going through the pain of a sore tooth or a mouth infection, they will probably make strange noises while snoozing. The airways of canines are connected to the mouth, and any obstruction or infection will inevitably cause your doggies to make odd sounds when taking a nap.

Dogs need regular dental checkups, too, as they tend to develop plaque and tartar on their teeth just like humans do. If their buccal health is ignored, they can very quickly get mouth sores, cavities, tartar and plaque build-up, and mouth infections.

As mentioned earlier, when dogs face dental troubles, their airways are partially blocked, causing them to make weird sounds while sleeping.

6. Congestion Caused By Medication

Many medications for canines suffering from infections or pains involve an element of sedation to provide relief from the pain and give them time to recover through rest. Now, when your doggie is under medication, they will be drowsy and sluggish.

When humans or dogs go into a deep sleep, they make sounds that make it seem like they are suffering from congestion. You should consult with a vet if your dog shows other side effects of taking a particular medication.

7. Obesity Or Sleep Apnea

Canines need well-proportioned and nutritional meals, and proper exercise to live long and healthy lives. It is very easy for dogs to gain weight with large-sized meals, excessive snacking, and an inactive routine. 

The problem of obesity is that it can affect all aspects of your dog’s life and adversely affect their sleeping patterns too. You see, obesity can cause sleep apnea (issues breathing smoothly during sleep) in humans. So, it can impact your canine’s ability to breathe while napping as well.

While you need to be an indulgent pet parent in terms of love and concern for your pet, do not be overindulgent with the meals you offer them. If you avoid overfeeding them and get them out to exercise more often, you will ensure your pet’s longevity and overall well-being, as well as create a stronger bond between yourself and your furry friend.

How To Help A Dog Suffering From Congestion

Many pet parents believe that if their pooch suffers from congestion, the easiest and surest way to solve the problem at hand is to head to the vet and give medications to their furry friends. But, much like humans, dogs face seasonal coughs and colds.

If your dog is down due to the changing weather, you can make them feel much better by trying out a few home remedies before you get right to medications.

Using a humidifier creates moisture and heat in a room, and if your dog is experiencing breathing problems, then your doggie will have a lot less trouble breathing with a humidifier in the room where they sleep.

Moreover, you can consistently offer your beloved pet some low-sodium chicken broth. Chicken broth contains fatty acids and proteins that help your dog build and repair healthy muscle, bone, and, more importantly, blood cells. Furthermore, chicken broth can help soothe inflamed allergies too. 

But, you should keep in mind that chicken broth for your dog should not include any garlic, ginger, sodium, or other spices. Homemade chicken broth is a far better option than store-bought or canned soup.

Final Thoughts

Being a pet parent means that your faithful friend will bring tons of joy and laughter into your life, but it also means being responsible for your pet’s well-being. In most situations, if you feel that your dog sounds congested when sleeping, you need not fret.

Sometimes, your pet is just in a deep sleep and snoring soundly. In other circumstances, something as simple as changing their sleeping position will reduce the noise.

But, if your dog is making strange noises while sleeping and the condition seems to get worse and stays for longer, then your best bet is to head to the vet. In the meanwhile, some nice, warm chicken broth will appease your doggie’s taste buds as well as soothe their congestion.

Up Next: Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets?

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