Home Dogs Maltese With Curly Hair – Why Does It Happen?

Maltese With Curly Hair – Why Does It Happen?

by Lucy

It is generally acknowledged that wherever a Maltese goes, there goes a trail of oohs and ahhs. This adorable dog breed is a toy dog covered from head to foot in a mantle of long, white, straight hair. It’s little wonder that pet parents cannot stop fawning over these precious fur babies. 

But, a Maltese with curly hair – why does it happen? Maltese are purebred dogs that normally have straight white hair. However, sometimes Maltese dogs can have curly hair due to a variety of reasons, including humidity, dirt, or genetics passed down from a poodle or poodle-like ancestor.

Without further ado, let’s look into the matter of Maltese and their luscious locks and discover why your doggo’s locks just can’t be tamed.

Do Maltese Have Curly Hair?

Curly hair is a common feature in the lightweight and super small Maltese. According to the American Kennel Club, the purebred Maltese is white and should have long, straight hair. Some take exception to the swirls in your dog’s fur, but you should know that curly hair in a Maltese every once in a while is no extraordinary event. 

Maltese puppies are seen to have curly hair rather than straight, and Maltese puppies indeed have longer hair than most other dog breeds. But, puppies are playful by nature. Therefore, the hair texture of your dog can change with too much play and too little care. 

The curl in the hair can sometimes be inherited too. If your doggo is a hybrid, the curly hair can come from the mother’s or father’s side if they have a poodle somewhere in the lineage.

Furthermore, the weather and the environment where your furry friend lives and plays may have a significant role in their hair texture. Moreover, even if your furball has exceptionally beautiful long and straight hair, the hair will not always stay straight. 

Do Maltese Have Straight Hair Or Curly Hair?

A purebred Maltese can have straight or curly hair, and Maltese are famed for their long tresses. But, the hair of the Maltese grows as the dog grows, and it is likely that the hair texture of your dog may change due to environmental factors which could cause their normally straight hair to curl.

After all, you have bad hair days every once in a while yourself, right?

As mentioned earlier, Maltese hair is usually straight, but the hair texture may deteriorate due to excessive grooming, little care, genetics, and even just extra rolling in the dirt.

Why Do Some Maltese Have Curly Hair?

Your sweet and lovable furball might have been born with beautiful straight locks, but there are several reasons why it could curl. Humid weather has an adverse impact on hair. Hot weather can make the naturally straight hair go curly. 

Moist air holds a much higher number of water molecules than dry air. In such a circumstance, the hair strand forms more hydrogen bonds. When many bonds are formed between the keratin proteins in a strand of hair, it causes the hair to fold back on itself at the molecular level at a greater rate. To put it plainly, hair can become curly due to humidity.

Moreover, if your pooch loves to play in the park and roll about in the dirt, your four-legged friend will probably have curls showing up at the week’s end.

Minuscule specks of dirt that cling to your fur baby’s hair will lead it to becoming unruly. Also, there’s a probability that if you cut your Maltese hair too often and too short, then the hair will start to curl after repeated cuts. 

How Can You Make Your Maltese Hair Silky?

The upkeep and grooming of Maltese dogs can be a bit tricky. Purebred Maltese are white, and these dogs also have beautiful long hair. If you want your pup to look impeccable, then you need to take extra care. 

1. Visiting The Groomer

Regular visits to the groomer are a must when it comes to the Maltese. Not only does their silky hair get easily tangled, but Maltese also have very sensitive hair. If the groomer is too harsh, then your fur baby will lose hair in clusters. 

Furthermore, making use of a well-established groomer ensures that your doggo is in the safe hands of a professional who knows what they are doing. Each dog breed requires special attention, as every dog breed has varying coats of fur. Your Maltese needs the gentle hand of a professional that knows exactly how to trim, detangle, and wash your Maltese’s hair.

2. Bathing Goes A Long Way

Bathing offers a thorough clean and aids in the management of Maltese hair. But, you have to remember that if you bathe your Maltese too frequently, you will only make your dog’s hair more brittle. As a result, your dog might wind up getting more tangles and curls in its fur than usual.

If your doggo appears to be tangle-free and spotless, then do not rush bathing your dog.

3. Always Use A Dog Shampoo And Conditioner

It is always a good idea to use dog shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for canines. Moreover, there are even A-grade organic products that are specially made for different dog breeds. So if you search the market, you’ll probably find high-quality Maltese dog shampoo free of harsh elements (this particular shampoo and conditioner is my favorite for my pup). 

Human shampoo and conditioners contain chemical compounds that are harmful to your dog’s skin and fur. It’s sensible to avoid such products. Moreover, the chemicals present in shampoos and conditioners for humans can actually cause hair loss or dandruff in your canine.

4. Make Use Of A Hair Dryer

It never pays off to bathe your dog and then allow it to roam free with wet hair. Using a hairdryer on the cold air function always proves helpful. Not only do many groomers use the hairdryer to dry your dog’s hair, but it can be skillfully applied to style your Maltese hair too. 

Even if you bathe your Maltese at home, you should still use a hairdryer to dry off your furry friend’s hair. Wet hair is very susceptible to catching dirt, dust, and grime. Never make use of the hot air function, as that might cause your canine’s skin to become dry or even burn.

5. Use A Softening Spray

The next best thing to a bath and a blow-dry for your fur baby is the use of a softening spray. 

Excessive bathing will make your dog’s hair break easily, creating more split ends and tangles. If your fur baby looks reasonably clean but is suffering through unruly hair, then a softening spray is the way to go. 

You simply have to spray a bit of the solution on your canine, split the hair, and brush the hair gently. The brushing allows the softening solution to reach the root of the hair that will go a long way in keeping your dog’s fur silky and straight.

6. A Healthy And Well-Proportioned Diet

You have to remember that the more nutritious your canine’s diet, the healthier your dog will be. Premium-quality dog food with superior protein components and fewer fillers, along with non-toxic fruits and vegetables as treats, will ensure that your pooch feels good and looks great too. Whatever your canine will eat does eventually reflect in the condition of its hair. 

If you feel that your pooch needs some extra help, then you can always refer to a vet to prescribe some minerals and vitamins for your dog. Vitamin A, B, and C are all excellent for hair health. 

Furthermore, you also need to ensure that your pooch gets ample exercise too. It is true that the Maltese does’t need as much exercise as larger breeds. But, regular walks and some interactive games will keep your dog mentally stimulated and prevent it from getting into unnecessary mischief.


Caring for a Maltese might seem a lot of work. But, in truth, many pet parents vouch that nothing equals the joy they feel when people fawn over their Maltese’ lustrous locks. If you hire a groomer to maintain the length as well as the health of your dog’s hair, then you can be sure that the task will be far more manageable. 

Maltese purebreds do have long, silky, and straight hair. With a bit of extra care from your side, your furry friend can rival Rapunzel.

Being a pet parent can mean plenty of joy and smiles, but adopting a pet involves responsibility as well. The well-being of your pet, including everything from their health to their daily maintenance, falls squarely on your shoulders. Yet, a little bit of practice, patience, and time will surely help you take better care of your adorable Maltese. 

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