Home Birds How Do Lovebirds Sleep?

How Do Lovebirds Sleep?

by Lucy

From the time that man first learned to domesticate pets, birds have been held in high regard. They’ve been revered in many cultures as anything from gods to status symbols. More and more households today are adopting birds for a little more beauty and song in their lives.

Of all the species of birds that are growing in popularity, lovebirds have always been one of the most well-known for their bright colors and cuddly reputations. We know how they cuddle up to one another and to their owners, but do they sleep like this too?

How do lovebirds sleep? Lovebirds in the wild sleep in the cozy nesting holes of trees and cacti, away from predators and noise. As pets, they seek small enclosed spaces like nesting boxes to sleep at night. If there are no covered spaces, they will settle on the bottom of the cage or the highest perch and nap standing up.

The dogs of the bird world, lovebirds hold a special place in animal lovers’ hearts for their ability to show affection to their guardians. Caring for a lovebird is not the same as caring for a fish; they respond to your love and care with equal enthusiasm. 

So it’s no wonder lovebird parents want to know everything they can about their feathery friends! Keep reading to understand more about lovebirds and how to help them get a good night’s rest.

Should Lovebirds Be Covered at Night?

When you consider the sleeping patterns of wild lovebirds, you’ll see that these tiny creatures keep their schedule according to the sun. Hence, when the sun rises, they rise. And when the sun sets, they go to bed. 

On a similar note, lovebirds in the wild get their rest in trees and cacti, right in the middle of the densest branches or inside tiny, cozy holes. Many avian experts believe that their survival instincts make them seek refuge in darker, unreachable areas to catch a few Zs.

But, lovebirds in cages prefer to be covered at night as well. Or, so it is that most lovebird parents claim. Many lovebird guardians insist that their birds cannot rest unless the room is relatively dark and quiet if their cages aren’t covered (this is a great cover for a birdcage if you’re looking for one!).

That may have something to do with the fact that these birds spook easily. After all, a loverbird’s instincts tell them they are prey for many mammals. They don’t have many features that may serve as a defense mechanism.

So, their safest bet is to stick to out-of-reach and dark places where the predator may have a hard time locating and catching them.

So, if you are keen to prevent your lovebird from jumping in its sleep after every few minutes, keep the cage covered with a breathable material in a darker color or provide it with a cozy nesting box or hanging tent to sleep in.

The breathable material will allow air to pass through easily. And, the dark color of the material will keep out most of the light. This way, your lovebird will be able to sleep in peace and won’t be so stressed out.

How Many Hours Do Lovebirds Sleep?

On average, lovebirds need at least 12-13 hours of sleep per night. If your birdie isn’t getting enough sleep or is restless through the night due to disturbance or light in the room, then it’s advisable to allocate your bird to a sleep cage. 

Sleep cages are smaller in size and put up in areas with proper ventilation, scant lighting, and minimal disturbance.

Birds are creatures of habit. Therefore, the more stability and routine you provide for your feathered friend, the happier and healthier it will be. On the other hand, if your bird isn’t getting enough sleep, you may wind up with a cranky birdie with personality issues.

You see, when lovebirds don’t get enough sleep, they tend to screech quite a bit. Crankiness in birds is typical due to not enough sleep. But, some birds even get agitated enough to resort to nipping and biting on your fingers. And, though these gentle birds are never violent, you still don’t want your lovebird to nip at you.

Another downside to lack of sleep is that when birds aren’t getting enough sleep, they are pushed into breeding mode. Your lovebird may start to lay eggs, even without a mate, if it’s not getting enough rest. And, such behavior is particularly regular in lovebirds during spring.

When Do Lovebirds Wake Up?

As mentioned earlier, lovebirds wake and sleep according to the sun. These are very calm and pliant creatures who can easily adjust to the timings you keep so long as you follow certain conditions. You have to understand that it is healthiest for your birds to wake and sleep early.

But, there are plenty of concerned lovebird lovers who cannot keep to their birdies’ slumber schedule. But, you need not worry. You will find that you can adjust your birds’ sleeping patterns according to your daily routine.

You can train your bird to sleep mostly through the day if you keep your bird’s cage covered and in a quiet area. You can even have your bird stay up and enjoy your company during the late evening hours. Luckily, lovebirds aren’t nocturnal or crepuscular, like hamsters, so this is an easier feat.

No matter your schedule, your birdie should get ample beauty sleep. Furthermore, lovebirds love company, so if you work during the day, you can even train it to stay up with you when you can take the time to feed your bird and clean up its cage.

Furthermore, cage cleaning and letting your bird out at least once a day is essential. Not only will your bird be better for it, you too will get the opportunity to bond with your bird.

Related Questions

Many new parents find that they cannot train their lovebirds when it comes to adjusting their pet’s sleep timings according to their daily routine. But the fact these people do not understand is that, though birds are intelligent creatures, they still require time to learn new habits. 

In short, training birds is not as simple as training other pets like dogs or cats. So, be willing to put in more effort and expect fewer results, and you’ll be fine. But, there are always queries that new birdie parents have about their winged baby’s nap times.

Do Lovebirds Sleep During the Day?

Birds love to eat and sleep just like the rest of us. Your lovebird may likely sleep throughout the night and still doze off with you during the day. Yet, you cannot cut short your lovebird’s nighttime sleep simply because you feel that it is sleeping the required number of hours during the day. 

Can Lovebirds See in the Dark?

It seems that lovebirds can’t see well in the dark. Their night vision seems to be slightly worse than ours. But, as these birds rise and sleep early, it isn’t something they need much. They don’t tend to eat, play around, or climb around the cage much during the night either. 

The majority of birds are active through the night. Hence, they are known as diurnal. These birds can see in the dark. But, just not so well. Rods and cones are two light receptors in a bird’s eye. Rods help birds see clearly at night because they are sensitive to the dark and low lighting conditions. 

Cones help differentiate between colors. They only work in bright conditions. Lovebirds possess a more significant number of cones than rods. Hence, they can see far more colors than humans during the day. But, then they don’t see so well at night.

Why Does My Lovebird Move Around in the Cage During the Night?

In most cases, lovebirds sleep easily through the night. But, there are times when your birdie may move around to find food. It is rare for lovebirds to want to munch during the night. But, if your birdie is into the habit of snacking, then it may want to snack sometime around the night as well. 

In such a case, it’s best to keep the feeder full of pellet food during the night. Other treats such as fruits and vegetables should not be given to birds during the night.

The reason to stick to pellet formulas is that other sugary treats or even raw vegetables attract bugs and mites. And, the dirtier your pet’s cage, the higher the likelihood of disease.

Do Lovebirds Need Sunlight?

Lovebirds do best when kept in natural light. And, yes, sunlight is essential for almost every living thing. But, if you are not around to monitor the amount of light and heat your bird gets, it’s best to give it artificial light. 

Lack of sunlight does not have any apparent effects on the physiology of lovebirds. But, there is no denying that sunlight has various benefits for the well-being of all living things save for deep-sea creatures and cave-dwellers (eww).

Not only does sunlight keep your bones strong, but it also helps create a hormone called melatonin to improve sleep and keep depression at bay.

Up Next: 5 Best Bird Foods For Conures

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