Home Birds Can Parakeets Eat Tomatoes?

Can Parakeets Eat Tomatoes?

by Lucy

If you’ve never had a pet bird but are contemplating adopting a parakeet now, you’ll be happy to know that budgies make wonderful pets. These amazing birds are active, friendly, and highly sociable. Once your pet has bonded with you, you’ll have a constant companion for years to come!

But, as wonderful as it is to have a new pet in your life, you have to take up the responsibility of caring for them to the best of your ability. You need to discover all there is to know about your new companion’s needs and desires.

So, can parakeets eat tomatoes? Tomatoes without the leaves are safe for parakeets to eat. However, they should only be given in moderation and not as a full meal, as they have a high sugar content. Never feed your parakeet tomato leaves, as they are toxic for them.

Like anything else you feed your pets, there are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to feeding tomatoes to your feathered friend. So, without wasting any time, let’s get to the pros and cons of feeding tomatoes to parakeets.

Can Your Parakeet Eat Tomatoes?

Technically, tomatoes are non-toxic for parakeets. In the wild, it is common to find parakeets making an attempt to get a few juicy bites out of a ripe tomato. Yet, these nourishing and appetizing treats are often treated as a vegetable. For humans, tomatoes pose zero threat when it comes to consumption, whether raw or cooked.

But, your budgie is tiny and doesn’t have the same digestive system as you. When you consider the small size of your bird, you have to make adjustments to its meal and treats accordingly.

The Benefits Tomatoes For Parakeets

You should know that your parakeet is a granivore. The staple diet of your bird should consist of grains and seeds. However, at least 20% of your bird’s diet should include vegetables and fruits to compensate for the lacking nutrients in seeds and grains. 

Tomatoes have a water content of 95%. If you want a hydrated bird on your hands, you’ll want to feed it tomatoes from time to time. Tomatoes only contain 5% carbohydrates. As you must know, grains and seeds have a very high caloric makeup. So, tomatoes are an excellent chance to add to your bird’s meal plan.

Nutrition content in a small (100g) raw tomato:

  • Calories – 18
  • Water – 95%
  • Protein – 0.9 grams
  • Carbohydrates – 3.9 grams
  • Sugar – 2.6 grams
  • Fiber – 1.2 grams
  • Fat – 0.2 grams

The sugar content may seem high, but these are simple sugars and insoluble fibers that most animals can easily digest. The fiber found in tomatoes aids in the prevention of gastrointestinal issues.

Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants such as lycopene, beta carotene, naringenin, and chlorogenic acid. These elements help reduce inflammation in the body, stabilize blood sugar, prevent cancer and increase vitamin A in the body. 

In addition, you’ll find vitamin C and K, both of which have excellent health benefits. Vitamin K prevents blood clotting and enhances bone health. Potassium assists in blood pressure control and heart disease prevention. Folate in tomatoes is essential for proper tissue growth and cell function. 

Are There Any Risks To Feeding Parakeets Tomatoes?

The main diet for parakeets must be grains and seeds. It is what they eat in the wild, and if you want to replicate a natural environment for your bird, you have to provide what your bird is used to in the wild.

However, scientific research has recently revealed that seeds and grains have a high fat content and little nutritional value. That’s why bird pellets, which should make up your parakeet’s main diet, has a lot more than just seeds and grains.

Adding tomatoes into your pet’s diet is undoubtedly going to help them stay healthy, happy, and hydrated. But tomatoes, as you know, have a high sugar content. It’s low for humans, but for birds as small as parakeets, it can prove to be detrimental to your feathery baby’s well-being in the long run. So, you must fill the nutritional gap to ensure that your birdie receives their nutrition requirements.

Excessive sugar consumption leads to disruptive digestive function and affects your bird’s blood pressure. It can also be the cause of obesity in birds.

Furthermore, tomatoes are alkaline vegetables, but they do contain 0.5% malic acid, 0.52% – 1.81% citric acid, and traces of oxalic acid. These compounds do not have any decisive impact on humans. But, in birds, too much can be the cause of kidney stones and an upset stomach. 

How Should You Feed Your Parakeet Tomatoes?

Many pet guardians feel that it is safer to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding their pets tomatoes. But, you have to understand that parakeets in the wild have a varied diet consisting of not just grains and seeds. These beautiful birds are often found munching on various kinds of grasses, vegetables, fruits, and even the occasional bug. 

It is a smart move not to limit your bird’s diet too much. On the contrary, you should make it a point to provide a wide variety of foods to your parakeet, which will help provide extra vitamins and minerals and also keep your birdie’s taste buds happy. 

When it comes to offering tomatoes to your parakeet, you have to make sure that you only present non-GMO produce that is chemical and pesticide-free. So, your best option is to go with organic produce. Organically grown tomatoes are free from any kind of chemicals and pesticides. Even the fertilizers used to develop these fruits and vegetables are free of chemicals. 

However, to be on the safe side, you should make it a point to thoroughly rinse the fruit or vegetable you plan to offer your bird. After you’ve adequately rinsed the tomato, you can finely chop it to avoid any choking hazards. 

The most vital aspect of giving your bird a tomato as a treat is the amount you should feed your pet. Never exceed more than a tablespoon full of chopped tomatoes. You should keep the treats limited to once or twice a week. 

What Other Treats Can You Give To Your Parakeet?

You have a pretty extensive list of fruits that your feathered baby can enjoy when it comes to fruits. Your bird can be offered fruit treats, including apples, oranges, pears, melons, bananas, pitted cherries, blackberries, blueberries, mangos, pineapples, and grapes. 

Vegetables that are safe for your bird to eat include carrots, corn, peas, cucumber, zucchini, and asparagus. However, leafy vegetables contain far more potassium, iron, fiber, folate, and calcium than other vegetables. A treat of kale, romaine lettuce, sprouted seeds, and dandelion leaves will also prove to be a very healthy snack.

You can also include nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, or pecans. You can also include some insects in your birdie’s snack time, such as mealworms, crickets, spiders, daddy longlegs, or greenflies.

What Can’t Parakeets Eat?

The most crucial aspect you have to bear in mind when it comes to your budgie’s diet is what your bird cannot eat. Human food such as oily foods like fries or nuggets or processed foods such as beef jerky or sausages are all terrible for your pet, particularly parakeets.

Salt and sugar both make it to the ‘bad for birds’ list. Chocolate, caffeine, onion, garlic, avocado, and dairy products are all toxic for parakeets. 

Fruits with seeds such as apples are safe for birds. But, you have to remove the seeds from the fruit as the seeds contain traces of cyanide. It can be fatal for your tiny winged companion. Fruits like cherries with pits are safe for your pet so long as you remove the pit. Fruit pits present choking hazards for budgies.

There are certain plants such as eggplant or peppers that are safe for your bird to snack on. However, the leaves of these plants can be toxic. Rhubarb is poisonous for parakeets, and tomato leaves are also dangerous for birds. Similarly, grape leaves aren’t safe for parakeets either. 

Final Thoughts

Parakeets are a favorite when it comes to most bird lovers. It’s easy to understand their sentiments when you take a look at these fantastic creatures.

Parakeets aren’t high-maintenance animals. Not to mention, budgies are also considered reasonably sturdy birds. Yet, all pet parents need to be knowledgeable about the needs and wants of their pets. 

So, yes, budgies can eat tomatoes – not as a meal but as a treat. There are abundant health benefits that tomatoes boast. It is a delicious and juicy fruit, yet it is high in sugar and does contain traces of oxalic acid. So just be careful to feed them to your bird in small amounts and only as an occasional snack.

Up Next: Can Parakeets Eat Celery?

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