Home Exotic Pets Do Leopard Geckos Make Noise?

Do Leopard Geckos Make Noise?

by Lucy

A leopard may never change its spots, but leopard geckos start out as striped baby reptiles only to achieve their spots later. And that’s not even the most fascinating thing about them!

There are probably lots of things you’ve been wondering about these delightfully spotty creatures, especially if you are thinking about taking one home.

So do leopard geckos make noise? Leopard geckos have been known to make sounds ranging from clicks to squeaks, and sometimes, they can even bark or yell. Each sound has its distinct meaning; however, leopard geckos most often make a sound when they are unhappy or threatened.

These feisty lizards can even scream just to communicate!

You wouldn’t be wrong to think of leopard geckos as one of the liveliest reptiles around. If you’re leaning towards getting yourself a leopard gecko – give this article a read to better understanding of their verbal qualities and what makes these creatures tick. 

Do Leopard Geckos Make A Noise?

Leopard Geckos (affectionately referred to as leos) are not afraid to let themselves be heard.

But if you’re worried about the fact that you wouldn’t be able to handle a leo, don’t be. Leos are relatively easy to handle and classed as a ‘beginner reptile’.

They’re native to arid regions of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and their colors range from white to yellow (with black spots, of course).

But, here’s what’s super-interesting about these little reptiles: they make different sounds (or noises) depending on how they feel. Pretty thrilling, right? 

If you’re the kind of person who likes their pet to be a little expressive and exciting, then the leopard gecko should be just your thing!

Do Leopard Geckos Scream?

Leos are unique in the sense that they do actually scream. But, before you go picturing a monkey screeching, or worse, a screaming goat, a leopard gecko’s scream is quite tame in comparison.

Also, it’s not as if leos are vocal at all times. Nope! Generally, leos will go about their business unless something prompts them to, you know, yell. 

Some newbie leo parents may find it disturbing to see their pet suddenly screech, but generally, leos need to feel threatened or spooked before they let out a bellow. 

For example, leopard geckos don’t like it when you approach their territory from overhead. It’s not hard to see why if you look at things from their perspective, though.

Picture this. You’re chilling in your room, binging the latest Netflix series, when out of nowhere, there’s a huge object floating over your head. Yikes!

If it were me, I’d let out a shriek to match Janet Leigh’s world-famous ‘Psycho’ scream. Long story short, your leo doesn’t like seeing stuff (even if it is your hand) hovering over its tiny being any more than you would. 

Another reason your leopard gecko might feel tempted to scream is when it feels threatened by something. So, it’s either because something you’re doing that’s making your leo uneasy, or there’s an unwanted intruder in your pet’s territory.

What Other Sounds Do Leopard Geckos Make?

You can consider this article your ultimate go-to-guide for all types of leopard gecko noises. Thus far, I’ve covered why leos scream, but now it’s time to broaden your horizons and discover all the other surprises leopard geckos have up their spotted little sleeves.

Here are some other sounds you may hear from your local leopard gecko.

Clicking Sounds

The leo community worldwide will agree that another quite popular sound among leopard geckos is the clicking noise.

But, there’s a bit of disagreement among leo keepers about the cause of clicking. 

To be on the safe side, I’ve decided to discuss all three reasons here.

1. Reason number one may be that your little lizard is happy and content. If you see your gecko sitting in your hand (or climbing it) all content, with no threatening postures or moves, the clicking noise is almost like a cat’s purr. 

It means that your pet is super-content with its life at that moment. But, be warned, this is really rare, like once in a blue (or even a purple) moon rare.

2. However, if you’re not up to date on your leopard gecko handling technique and were perhaps a little rough with the fiesty reptile, it will click to let you know of its displeasure

3. Leopard geckos also tend to click when you introduce them to another ‘new’ gecko. In such situations, your leo is likely feeling a little apprehensive in the new gecko’s presence and perhaps feeling a teensy weensy bit threatened. 

If you’re thinking of housing one than one gecko in a tank, be sure to do your research because geckos take a fair bit of time warming up to each other. 

Also, it’s never, and I repeat, never a good idea to house two male leos together because they’re extremely territorial and likely to injure each other. 

Chirping Or Squeaking Sounds

Alas, it’s not easy to be a leopard gecko whisperer.

That’s because leos are mostly vocal when they’re unhappy about something. So, if you’ve got a leopard gecko that hardly ever makes a sound – congratulations, you’ve got yourself a happy camper. 

But if you hear your leo chirping or squeaking while you’re in its vicinity, you’re probably doing something that’s making the little guy (or gal) unhappy. 

If your leo starts chirping right about the time you’ve picked it up,  either you’re not holding it right, or your pet is in no mood to be touched at that time. 

On the other hand, some gecko keepers have reported that their leos chirp to let them know when they’re hungry. Which is just another way of saying their gecko was unhappy about being starved (hopefully not literally). 

Finally, your gecko may chirp or let out a squeak when it’s exploring its tank on its own. So if your gecko’s food supply is all topped up and there’s nothing else to threaten its existence, your pet is just examining its territory, and you shouldn’t worry.

Barking and Screeching Sounds

If you’ve never seen a leo scream before, the first time your pet does, it may surprise you. You may even panic or think you’ve accidentally hurt your reptile. 

But, as I stated earlier, geckos screech (or scream) to let you know, they’re extremely unhappy. Think of a chirp level of unhappiness and multiply it by 100. 

Leos scream to signify they’re on the defensive, which means they feel like they’re about to be attacked. If trying to touch your gecko when it lets out a screech, stop immediately. 

When extremely angry or scared, geckos are known to bite. And even though baby geckos are more likely to bite, it’s not something you want to push your pet into doing. Instead, back off a little, and give you leo a chance to settle down.

Leopard geckos are also known to make barking noises. Barking sounds are a lot like screams; the only difference is that young leos tend to scream, whereas adult geckos produce more of a barking sound

But geckos bark for pretty much the same reason as they scream – they’re unhappy about something. I know, leopard geckos are a predictable lot. 

Related Questions

Before I sign off, I’ve compiled an FAQ section (as usual) for newbie gecko keepers and enthusiasts. Take a moment to skim through the questions. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something that helps you understand your leo even more!

How Do You Calm a Leopard Gecko Down?

Leopard Geckos are renowned ‘wrigglers’ and can feel skittish at the drop of a hat. If you’ve got a nervous gecko on your hands, one of the best ways to calm it down is to place it in a portable plastic tub with smooth sides. 

Putting your gecko in a slippery tub will ensure your gecko won’t go tearing out again as they can’t climb smooth surfaces.

However, it’s advisable to approach your pet slowly and to keep your voice low and gentle. Loud sounds easily spook geckos.

Move gently and even a little slowly. You’re pretty big in comparison to your leo, so try not to startle it with sudden, sharp movements.

Also, if your leopard gecko is waving its tail, give it a moment or two to settle down before you attempt to pick it up. Not heeding your gecko’s warning may earn you a bite. 

What Are Leopard Geckos Scared Of?

Leopard geckos are quite easily spooked by loud noises around their tank or terrarium. For that reason, try and place your leo’s tank in a room that doesn’t have too much activity. 

Apart from that, your gecko may act skittish, moody, or scared on several occasions. For instance, female geckos can get prickly during the breeding season. Leos are also known to get annoyed if their space is disturbed or changed a lot. 

However, if your gecko is wheezing, losing weight, vomiting, not eating, or not regularly shedding, along with being skittish, then it may be that your pet is sick. In such a situation, it’s always best to take your pet to the vet so that your gecko recovers quickly.

Can Leopard Geckos Bite?

Leopard geckos do bite, but only rarely, and almost never without reason. Although baby geckos are more skittish and get scared easily, so they can be quicker to bite, especially if they’ve not bonded with you yet.

However, adult geckos often prefer to run than to bite. And even if they’re planning on taking a nip, they’ll charge at you first and give a warning snap. When you see your pet acting like this, it’s best to let your gecko calm down first.

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