Home Dogs Do Boxers Bark A Lot?

Do Boxers Bark A Lot?

by Lucy

Many dog breeds stand out for their fun-loving nature and loyalty. But, when you bring home a Boxer pup, you’ll have a combo canine that is fearless and loyal, plus an amazing family pet. It’s little wonder that Boxers make it to the list of the most popular dog breeds.

Yet, the one not-so-wonderful rumor about the Boxer is that they make noisy pets.

So, do Boxers bark a lot? No, boxers in general do not bark a lot. There’s a slight chance that you may run into an oddball who hasn’t been trained or has behavioral problems. You may also hear the occasional bark or two from excited Boxers. Usually, however, they are not any noisier than other breeds. 

The truth of the matter is that Boxers love to communicate. They have a unique way of letting their owners know what they want, using soft growls, low whines, and loud yawning to get your attention. Looking further into the matter of Boxers and barking, here are some of the reasons that your dog may be grumbling and huffing.

Why Does My Boxer Make Different Sounds?

One of the many reasons that Boxers are considered such adorable pets is their ability to communicate with their pet parents using different vocalizations. Many pet guardians love the way their Boxers talk to their families.

Your Boxer may utilize distinct sounds to let you know any number of things. But, the most common reasons for your doggos various noises stems from physical needs, emotional needs, or upbringing.

1. Emotional Needs

Boxers are playful, active, and friendly dogs that make the perfect canine companions. Yet, Boxers don’t handle isolation or negligence well.

So, if you’ve got a house full of fun and you always let your boxer out to roam or take them on walks to allow them to exert their energy, there’s little chance you’ll hear your dog bark. But, you’ll undoubtedly hear them whine, howl, or huff when they are happy, excited, or even bored. Just like any member of your family, they want to make their feelings known.

However, there’s also a possibility that your Boxer will throw loud tantrums if you’re leaving them on their own with little attention or exercise. But, that is a trait you’ll find in all dog breeds where the canine is suffering from separation anxiety or neglect.

2. Physical Needs

Your furry friend may love the sound of its own voice. Boxers are well-known for their large, exuberant personalities. Furthermore, Boxers are also famous for being pretty strong-willed. So, any time your Boxer is hungry, thirsty, wants to go for a walk, or just needs some fun time with you, it’ll find very funny-sounding ways to let you know. 

Another aspect that you have to understand is that Boxers are temperamental when it comes to changes in the weather. They have short hair double coats, so they heat up quite quickly when it gets hot out. Similarly, their short coat doesn’t provide them with enough cover when the weather turns cold. If your pooch is feeling too hot and bothered or too cold, it’ll let you know with plenty of whining and howling.

You may want to invest in boots to protect their paws from hot and freezing ground, as well as jackets or raincoats.

3. Their Upbringing

Boxers make very faithful pets, and they’ll protect their families against all harm. They are very intelligent dogs that need a lot of love, but also a steady lead. Boxers were bred for bull-baiting and later were used as a butcher’s helper. Your pet is likely to be a strong and willful dog that needs consistent leadership. 

You will have to start early socialization and training with a Boxer. You will have to train your dog not to respond too aggressively or excitedly to the sounds of people, things, and other pets close to the house or the neighborhood.

You will have to ensure that you provide your puppy with proper mental stimulation and physical exercise to keep your furry friend’s anxiety and shenanigans at bay.

It’s rare to run into a Boxer that has had proper training yet is driving all of the neighbors and its family up the wall with incessant barking. But, if you do happen to run into one, then you have to understand that there is always a good reason behind the dog’s barking. Boxers that bark a lot might suffer from some behavioral issue or an underlying medical condition.

What Can You Do If You Do Have A Noisy Boxer?

As mentioned earlier, it’s unlikely to have a Boxer that barks a lot without a cause. If your doggo is barking out of the blue, it would be wise to take a look around to see if all is right around the house or the neighborhood.

Dogs are brilliant at sensing peril when humans are completely unaware. When you consider the fiercely loyal and protective nature of your dog, you may realize that your dog might have been barking to alert you of imminent danger.

On the other hand, your Boxer might also start to bark a lot when there are too many or too sudden changes in their routine. Boxers need physical exercise as they are a large dog breed and one with a hyperactive personality.

A minimum of 30 minutes of steady physical exertion daily is recommended for Boxers. Not to mention, interactive toys and food puzzle games to keep your fur baby mentally stimulated work wonders in keeping your Boxers calm and composed in their homes.

If you have a willful and vivacious pup on your hands, it will help quite a bit to use obedience training. Teaching your dog the ‘quiet’ command from an early age proves very helpful. You can apply positive reinforcement methods to strengthen the bond between you and your pup and control many of their urge to bark or howl.

Also, you have to remember that it’s best to manage your Boxer in a firm yet loving manner. It’s best to avoid loud reprimanding. Never use force or aggression to get your Boxer to behave. 

Many different dog breeds need early socialization, such as a German Shepherd or a Terrier. Your Boxer is no different. The earlier your pet is comfortable being around other pets, people, and different environments, the easier it becomes for them to adjust to new circumstances. 

Last but not least, your Boxer may bark when it is anxious. Most puppies tend to bark when they are feeling threatened. As you already know that your Boxer likes to keep things as routine as possible; your pooch will bark a little if you keep changing their feeding area or washing out their favorite blanket. Also, when your Boxer is sick or injured, your pooch may likely revert to barking to get your attention. 

However, if your Boxer seems to be showing signs of illness, such as a bloated stomach or loss of appetite in unison with barking, then you need to head straight to the vet. Running a couple of tests prescribed by the vet and consultation will easily highlight any underlying medical conditions your furry friend may be suffering from.

Do Boxers Make Good Pets In Places With Noise Restrictions?

Yes, a Boxer makes a great pet regardless of whether you live in a rural, suburban, or urban area. Your dog’s behavior is pretty much set in place from a very young age. If you want to have a well-behaved Boxer, then it falls on you to make sure that you are providing your dog with all the training they need.

A healthy diet, mental stimulation, proper and regular exercise, appropriate training, and plenty of love will keep your Boxer happy and calm, both in and out of the house. 

Your Boxer simply needs your attention and consistency to develop into a well-mannered canine. If you live in a large country house, allowing your dog some outdoor time will help keep them Boxer peaceful and well-mannered.

However, if you live in an apartment where your dog does not get much room to move around, then you will have to take the time to take your dog out on walks more frequently, set playtime every day in a park, or arrange playdates with other dog buddies.

Also, the more time your dog spends with you and the family, the less likely it will be to bark. Boxers are prone to suffer from separation anxiety and destructive behaviors when left alone for a long time. 


Boxers make fabulous pets. If anything, their ‘talking’ only serves as a form of hilarious entertainment for the family rather than a source of frustration. Most pet parents fawn over their pooch’s silly antics and the ridiculous sound effects their pups create to gain attention or a tasty treat

Yet, as a pet parent, you shoulder the responsibility to ensure that your Boxer is living a happy and content life. So, if you have a Boxer who has developed the bad habit of barking, you do not need to lose hope and despair. A bit of training, some perseverance, and lots of love will quickly rid your fur baby of any bad habits.

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