Home Small PetsRats & Mice Can Mice Eat Grapes?

Can Mice Eat Grapes?

by Lucy

Adopting a pet will undoubtedly enrich your life, but the responsibility to care for and them also falls on your shoulders. Now, most animals such as cats or dogs have fairly straightforward needs and wants.

However, the lines can get a little blurry when you’re a first-time mouse parent. Many mouse guardians question if it is safe to provide their furry friends grapes.

So, can mice eat grapes? Yes, mice can eat grapes as an occasional snack. Grapes, both green and red, hold many health benefits, not just for humans but also for mice. However, grapes or any other fruit, for that matter, need to be given in small amounts.

Including safe fruits and veggies can be a great way to add some variety and extra nutrition to your tiny friend’s diet. But let’s talk a bit more about why grapes are a good choice and how to introduce them to your mouse properly.

Are Grapes Toxic For Mice?

Grapes are not unhealthy for mice at all. In fact, grapes are full of micro and macronutrients. This little fruit contains over 1600 compounds, most of which are incredibly beneficial for a healthy constitution. Before going forward, you can look at the many vitamins and minerals that grapes contain.

Vitamins And Minerals Present In Grapes:

  • Potassium – Potassium is a mineral that acts as an electrolyte in the body. Potassium regulates the balance of fluids in the body, keeping the blood pressure under control. It also lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke. 
  • Vitamin K – Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that increases the blood flow in the body. Vitamin K also prevents blood clotting, aids bone growth, and helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. So, you’ll have less acne, smoother skin, and healthier hair growth. You may wonder how this applies to your mice. Who wouldn’t appreciate a softer, smoother four-legged companion?
  • Vitamin C – A study in the top scientific journal, Nature, showed that mice need vitamin C in their bodies just like humans. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the development, growth, and repair of all body tissues. The study showed that mice fed on a low vitamin C diet had greater chances for the early development of leukemia.
  • Vitamin B6 – Technically, vitamin B6 is helpful for the prevention of anemia. But, it is also beneficial for glucose generation, regulation of the red blood cells, and assisting the immune and nervous system. The unique element of vitamin B6 in the body is that it reduces brain cell degeneration, keeping away mental illnesses such as depression, Alzheimer’s disease, or premenstrual syndrome. 
  • Fiber – Fiber is vital for the proper regulation of the digestive system. And grapes have quite a bit of fiber in them. Fiber gets converted into fatty acids by bacteria in the intestine. The fatty acids then prevent any growth of bad bacteria in the body, and it also fights with any carcinogenic elements that the body may contaon.
  • Resveratrol – Resveratrol is a group of compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that decelerate the rate of the breakdown of cells that happens as you age. It builds the body’s immune system and fights germs in the body too.
  • Melatonin – Melatonin is a hormone that the human body produces in response to darkness. Melatonin is helpful for any being, human or animal, because it regulates sleep function. The more melatonin your body produces, the deeper you sleep. The deeper you sleep, the more the body is able to regenerate itself. 

Now you know that these elements that are present in grapes will only help your mice. However, please remember that grapes are toxic for dogs, as they can lead to kidney failure. If you’re feeding your mice grapes and you have a dog that loves to beg for treats, don’t give in and let your dog have one.

Are There Any Health Risks In Feeding Grapes To Your Mice?

Yes, there are a few mild health risks involved in feeding your mice grapes. But that depends on how many grapes you choose to offer your mice. Mice are omnivorous scavengers. In the wild, they’ll eat anything they come across, but in your home, you’re responsible for what they get and how much of it they have access to.

They need to have fruits and vegetables, but they also need a high protein diet. If you feed your mice grapes all the time, you will end up harming your pet. After all, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Let’s take a look at some of the downsides of feeding your pet mice too many grapes.

Excess Sugar

Grapes contain a lot of natural sugar. If you overdo the feeding of grapes, you will have mice on your hand that may grow obese and diabetic. In small quantities, however, natural sugar will give your mice extra energy.

Some studies show that mice fed with high sugar content can develop insulin resistance, high blood pressure, heart failure, and liver failure. Furthermore, the more obese your mice will get, they will likely suffer from deterioration of muscle and bone growth.

Excess Fiber

Fiber is essential for the body’s digestive system, but too much of it can cause bloating, gas, and constipation. You’ll have very sick mice on your hands with excessive fiber. 

Mice are tiny creatures that cannot handle extra fiber. When you consider how small your pet is, even a problem as minute as diarrhea can prove fatal for your little friend due to dehydration and other distressing factors.

Additionally, the extra fiber in the body also leads to the prevention of proper calcium absorption in the body.

How Do I Feed My Mice Grapes The Right Way?

Grapes often have pesticides and chemicals, even when rinsed. The fruit is laden with health benefits, but they retain trace amounts of these toxins.

Even with a thorough cleaning, grapes can sometimes pass on the chemicals to the person eating the fruit. So, the safest course to take if you want to feed your mice grapes is to go with organically grown grapes.

The chemical-free, pesticide-free environment keeps the fruit free of toxins and encourages additional health benefits. You can remove the seeds to prevent any choking hazards. Moreover, you still need to rinse the fruit before you feed your mice.

As for how many grapes your mice have, you have to consider the size of your mice. The smaller the mice, the less grape you should offer. When you first introduce grapes to your mice, you may want to cut them up into smaller bite-sized pieces.

An average-sized mouse is to be given half a grape once or twice a week. Grapes should never be a meal for your pet; they should be served as a snack.

Can Mice Eat Raisins?

Raisins are dehydrated grapes, and most raisins contain seeds. But, as raisins are dehydrated, that means that they have higher sugar content. When you consider all of these aspects, it makes sense to keep the raisins out of the picture when feeding your mice. You’ll have healthier, happier mice living long lives. 

Yet, if you do feel that you are depriving your mice of Nature’s bounty, you can feed your mice one or two seedless raisins once a week.

What Kind Of Grapes Can My Mice Eat?

Well, there are green grapes and red grapes. Some of the red grapes have seeds. But, red grapes contain far more antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins than green grapes. Neither the red nor green grapes have any ill effects on mice.

If you want your mice to enjoy grapes, it’ll be wisest to go with the red grapes. You can avoid a choking hazard by simply removing the seeds as well as the skin. 


Mice make adorable pets. Yeah, they don’t wag their tails or cuddle up or your lap, but these fantastic creatures are oodles of fun just to watch and play with. If you want to adopt one, then it’s best to seek the help of a vet to guide you with its diet and upkeep.

Moreover, it is always wise to take things as slowly as possible when introducing a new food into your pet’s diet. If your vet gives you the a-okay to go ahead with feeding your mice grapes, you should present the new food item to your pet very gradually.

You can start by getting rid of the seeds within the grapes and the grape skin. Moreover, you ought to give even less than a half of a grape to see if your pet responds well towards it.

Mice aren’t discerning eaters, but there’s no guarantee that all mice will eat grapes. If your pet seems to appreciate the taste of grapes, then you can use the fruits as a treat once or twice a week.

A clean habitat, healthy food, and lots of love will help create a bond between you and your beloved pet. Moreover, it will definitely ensure that your furry friend lives by your side for longer.

Up Next: Can Mice Eat Hamster Food?

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